@ -1,40 +1,137 @@ |
var BNPChrome = angular |
.module("BNPChrome", []) |
.factory("parse", function () { |
const parser = function (input, level, depthOverride) { |
const depth = depthOverride || 3; |
if (level > depth) return input; |
if (!input || typeof input === "number" || typeof input === "boolean") { |
return input; |
function convertToJSON(input) { |
let jsonString; |
// Try to parse the input as JSON
try { |
jsonString = JSON.parse(input); |
return jsonString; |
} catch (error) { |
// Parsing failed, assume input is a query string
} |
if (Array.isArray(input)) { |
// loop and parse each node
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { |
input[i] = parser(input[i], level ? level + 1 : 1, depth); |
} |
return input; |
// Decode URL-encoded string n times until no more encoding is found
let decodedInput = decodeURIComponent(input); |
while (decodedInput !== input) { |
input = decodedInput; |
decodedInput = decodeURIComponent(input); |
} |
if (typeof input === "string") { |
// Convert the query string to a JSON object
const keyValuePairs = input.split('&'); |
const jsonObject = {}; |
keyValuePairs.forEach(keyValuePair => { |
const [key, value] = keyValuePair.split('='); |
jsonObject[key] = value; |
}); |
return jsonObject; |
} |
function queryStringToJson(queryString) { |
let decoded = decodeURIComponent(queryString); |
let pairs = decoded.split('&'); |
let result = {}; |
pairs.forEach(function(pair) { |
pair = pair.split('='); |
let name = pair[0]; |
let value = pair[1]; |
if (name.length > 0) { |
name = name.replace(/\[([^\]]*)\]/g, function($0, $1) { |
if ($1.length > 0) { |
return "." + $1; |
} else { |
return ""; |
} |
}); |
try { |
input = parser(JSON.parse(input), level ? level + 1 : 1, depth); |
return input; |
value = decodeURIComponent(value); |
} catch (e) { |
// not a stringified node
return input; |
// Do nothing, use the original value instead
} |
} else if (typeof input === "object") { |
Object.keys(input).forEach(function (item) { |
input[item] = parser(input[item], level ? level + 1 : 1, depth); |
return item; |
}); |
} else { |
// unless there is a datatype I'm not checking for....
// console.log('shouldnt get here')
} |
let keys = name.split('.'); |
let obj = result; |
let key; |
while ((key = keys.shift())) { |
if (keys.length === 0) { |
if (obj[key] === undefined) { |
obj[key] = value; |
} else if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) { |
obj[key].push(value); |
} else { |
obj[key] = [obj[key], value]; |
} |
} else { |
if (obj[key] === undefined) { |
obj[key] = {}; |
} |
obj = obj[key]; |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
return result; |
} |
const parseQueryParams = function(queryString) { |
// Extract query params using a regular expression
const params = queryString.split('&'); |
if (params.length == 0) return queryString; |
const queryParams = {}; |
for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { |
let [key, value] = params[i].split('='); |
let decodedInput = decodeURIComponent(value); |
while (decodedInput !== value) { |
value = decodedInput; |
decodedInput = decodeURIComponent(value); |
} |
queryParams[key] = decodedInput; |
} |
return queryParams; |
}; |
const parser = function (input, depth, maxDepth) { |
// If the input is a string, try to parse it as JSON
if (typeof input === 'string') { |
try { |
return parser(JSON.parse(input), depth + 1, maxDepth); |
} catch (err) { |
// If the input is not valid JSON return the input
return input |
} |
} |
// If the input is an array, recursively parse each item in the array
if (Array.isArray(input)) { |
return input.map(item => parser(item, depth + 1, maxDepth)); |
} |
// If the input is an object, recursively parse each value in the object
if (typeof input === 'object') { |
const parsedJson = {}; |
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(input)) { |
if (typeof value === 'string') { |
// If the value is a string, then it might be a serialized JSON string, so try to parse it
try { |
parsedJson[key] = parser(JSON.parse(value), depth + 1, maxDepth); |
} catch (err) { |
if (value.includes("&") && value.includes("=")) |
parsedJson[key] = parser(convertToJSON(value), depth + 1, maxDepth); |
else |
parsedJson[key] = value; |
} |
} else { |
// If the value is not a string, recursively parse it
parsedJson[key] = parser(value, depth + 1, maxDepth); |
} |
} |
return parsedJson; |
} |
// If the input is not a string, array, or object, return it unchanged
return input; |
}; |
@ -74,7 +171,7 @@ var BNPChrome = angular |
} |
}; |
}) |
.directive("resizableColumns", function ($parse) { |
.directive("resizableColumns", function () { |
return { |
link: function (scope, element, attrs) { |
const options = { minWidth: 5 }; |
@ -116,7 +213,7 @@ var BNPChrome = angular |
} |
}; |
}) |
.directive("scrollToNew", function ($parse) { |
.directive("scrollToNew", function () { |
return function (scope, element, attrs) { |
if (scope.scrollToNew && scope.$last) { |
const $container = $(element).parents(".data-container").first(); |
@ -137,7 +234,7 @@ var BNPChrome = angular |
} |
}); |
}; |
}).directive('ngRightClick', function($parse) { |
}).directive('ngRightClick', function() { |
return function(scope, element, attrs) { |
element.bind('contextmenu', function(event) { |
scope.$apply(function() { |