@ -25,17 +25,27 @@ |
doom-big-font (font-spec :family "PragmataPro Liga" :size 18 :weight 'regular) |
;; doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "PragmataPro Liga" :size 20) |
doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Overpass" :size 20 :weight 'thin) |
doom-unicode-font (font-spec :family "PragmataPro Liga" :size 18) |
doom-unicode-font (font-spec :family "Fira Code" :size 15 :weight 'regular) ;;Fira Code |
doom-serif-font (font-spec :family "Baskerville" :size 20)) |
;; There are two ways to load a theme. Both assume the theme is installed and |
;; available. You can either set `doom-theme' or manually load a theme with the |
;; `load-theme' function. This is the default: |
(setq doom-theme 'doom-one) |
(setq doom-theme 'doom-one) ;; doom-material is nice too |
;; Light theme alternatives |
;; doom-ayu-light |
;; doom-acario-light |
;; doom-earl-grey |
;; doom-flatwhite |
;; doom-one-light |
;; doom-nord-light * |
;; doom-opera-light |
;; doom-solarized-light |
;; doom-tomorrow-day * |
(remove-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom-init-theme-h) |
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'doom-init-theme-h 'append) |
(delq! t custom-theme-load-path) |
(setq doom-modeline-height 45) |
(setq doom-modeline-height 60) |
;; If you use `org' and don't want your org files in the default location below, |
;; change `org-directory'. It must be set before org loads! |
@ -48,6 +58,13 @@ |
(map! :g "s-<right>" #'next-buffer |
:g "s-<left>" #'previous-buffer) |
;; Enable tramp so we can use webdav to connect to nextcloud |
(use-package! tramp-gvfs |
:init |
(setq tramp-gvfs-enabled t) |
) |
;; This determines the style of line numbers in effect. If set to `nil', line |
;; numbers are disabled. For relative line numbers, set this to `relative'. |
(setq display-line-numbers-type t) |
@ -56,7 +73,7 @@ |
(require 's) |
(when (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) |
(when (s-contains? "microsoft" operating-system-release t) |
(when (s-contains? "microsoft" operating-system-release t) ;; TODO: maybe use variable system-configuration instead? |
(progn |
(setq org-directory "/mnt/c/Users/Levi/Nextcloud/Org") |
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(top . 400)) |
@ -142,7 +159,6 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(load! "functions.el") |
(use-package! functions) |
;; (load! "setup-elfeed.el") |
;; (use-package! setup-elfeed) |
;; (load! "fancy-banner.el") |
@ -162,8 +178,8 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
;; Tabnine::active ;; checks if Tabnine is activated |
;; Tabnine::config ;; to open the config |
;; Tabnine::config_dir ;; /Users/leviolson/Library/Preferences/TabNine |
(use-package company-tabnine |
:disabled f |
;; Tabnine::config |
(use-package! company-tabnine |
:config |
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-tabnine)) |
@ -183,7 +199,7 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(setq company-idle-delay 0.2) |
;; Number the candidates (use M-1, M-2 etc to select completions). |
(setq company-show-quick-access nil)) |
(setq company-show-quick-access t)) |
(use-package! darkroom |
:commands darkroom-mode |
@ -202,41 +218,46 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
("C-," . org-cycle-agenda-files) |
;; ("C-c C-d" . org-capture) |
:map org-mode-map |
("M-n" . leo/org-narrow-next-tree) |
("M-p" . leo/org-narrow-prev-tree) |
("M-P" . leo/org-present) |
;; ("M-n" . leo/org-narrow-next-tree) |
;; ("M-p" . leo/org-narrow-prev-tree) |
;; ("M-P" . leo/org-present) |
) |
:preface |
(defvar org-html-validation-link) |
(defvar org-html-text-markup-alist) |
(defvar org-capture-templates) |
:init |
(setq org-agenda-files (list (concat org-directory "/todo.org") |
(concat org-directory "/projects.org") |
(concat org-directory "/Recipies.org") |
(concat org-directory "/help.org") |
(concat org-directory "/personal.org") |
(concat org-directory "/archive.org") |
)) |
(setq org-agenda-files (list |
(concat org-directory "/todo.org") |
(concat org-directory "/projects.org") |
(concat org-directory "/Recipies.org") |
(concat org-directory "/help.org") |
(concat org-directory "/personal.org") |
(concat org-directory "/archive.org") |
(concat "/Users/Levi_Olson/Projects" "/verastar/epc_guided_flow.org") |
)) |
(setq org-agenda-include-diary t) |
(add-to-list 'safe-local-variable-values '(eval leo/deft-insert-boilerplate)) |
(setq org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 3) |
(org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 3)) |
org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/todo.org")) |
(org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 3))) |
(setq org-todo-keyword-faces |
'(("TODO" . org-roam-link-shielded) |
("WAIT" . org-roam-link-shielded) |
("HOLD" . org-roam-link-shielded) |
("NEXT" . org-roam-link-current) |
("PLAN" . org-target) |
("SPIKE" . org-target) |
("ACTIVE" . org-todo))) |
(setq org-todo-keywords '( |
(sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "|" "DONE(d!)") |
(sequence "PLAN(p)" "SPIKE(s)" "ACTIVE(a)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "HOLD(h)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELLED(c@)") |
(sequence "PLAN(p)" "SPIKE(s)" "ACTIVE(a)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELLED(c@)") |
)) |
:config |
(require 'org-protocol) |
(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/todo.org")) |
(setq org-display-remote-inline-images t) |
(setq org-image-actual-width (list 1000)) |
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((js . t) |
(typescript . t) |
(shell . t) |
@ -247,7 +268,7 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(setq org-capture-templates |
'(("w" "Default template" entry (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Unfiled") |
"* %^{Title}%?\n\nSource: %:link\n:COPIED_TEXT:\n %i\n:END:\n") |
("t" "new task" entry (file+headline (concat org-directory "/todo.org") "Tasks") |
("t" "new task" entry (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Tasks") |
"* TODO [#A] %?\nSCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+0d\"))\n%a\n") |
("n" "new note" entry (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Notes") |
"* %?\n%i\n") |
@ -275,9 +296,32 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(match-end 1) |
,(concat (list ?\C-i) |
(list (decode-char 'ucs (cadr regex-char-pair))))))))) |
'(("\\(\\[ \\]\\)" #XF096);2B1C;F096; |
("\\(\\[-\\]\\)" #XF147);29C7;F458;F147; |
("\\(\\[X\\]\\)" #XF046);2BBD;F046; |
'( |
;; Fira Code PragmataPro Liga Alternate |
;; 2B1C -> ⬜ F096 -> |
;; 29C7 -> ⧇ F147 -> F458 -> |
;; 2BBD -> ⮽ F046 -> |
;; 25A1 -> □ |
;; 25A2 -> ▢ |
;; 25A3 -> ▣ |
;; 25C6 -> ◆ |
;; 25C7 -> ◇ |
;; 25C9 -> ◉ |
;; 2610 -> ☐ |
;; 2611 -> ☑ |
;; 229F -> ⊟ |
;; 2612 -> ☒ |
;; PragmataPro Liga |
;; ("\\(\\[ \\]\\)" #XF096) |
;; ("\\(\\[-\\]\\)" #XF147) |
;; ("\\(\\[X\\]\\)" #XF046) |
;; Fira Code |
("\\(\\[ \\]\\)" #X2B1C) |
("\\(\\[-\\]\\)" #XF147) |
("\\(\\[X\\]\\)" #X2BBD) |
))) |
(defun add-checkbox-symbol-keywords () |
"Add checkbox font to font-lock." |
@ -287,9 +331,12 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda () |
(visual-line-mode 0) |
(variable-pitch-mode 1) |
(org-indent-mode) |
(org-indent-mode 1) |
(auto-fill-mode 0) |
)) |
(setq org-display-remote-inline-images t) |
(setq org-image-actual-width (list 1000)) |
) |
(use-package org-roam |
@ -305,6 +352,163 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(("C-c n i" . org-roam-insert)) |
(("C-c n I" . org-roam-insert-immediate)))) |
(use-package! org-agenda |
:after org |
:bind ("C-c a" . (lambda() (interactive) (org-agenda nil "z"))) |
:init |
(set-face-attribute 'org-agenda-structure nil :weight 'bold :slant 'italic :foreground "#51afef") |
;; Override stubborn vars |
(setq org-deadline-warning-days 0) |
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands |
'( |
("z" "Show All Ze Things" |
( |
(todo "TODO" |
((org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-if nil '(timestamp))) |
(org-agenda-skip-function |
`(org-agenda-skip-entry-if |
'notregexp ,(format "\\[#%s\\]" (char-to-string org-priority-highest)))) |
;; (org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'wait)) |
(org-agenda-block-separator nil) |
(org-agenda-overriding-header "\nImportant tasks without a date\n") |
)) |
(todo "TODO" |
((org-agenda-overriding-header "\nTasks Ready\n") |
(org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'regexp "\\[#A\\]")) |
(org-agenda-block-separator nil) |
)) |
(todo "WAIT" |
((org-agenda-overriding-header "\nTasks on hold\n") |
(org-agenda-block-separator nil) |
)) |
(agenda "" |
((org-agenda-overriding-header "\nDaily Agenda\n") |
(org-agenda-span 1) |
(org-agenda-start-day nil) |
(org-deadline-warning-days 0) |
(org-deadline-warning-days 0) |
(org-scheduled-past-days 0) |
(org-deadline-past-days 0) |
(org-agenda-day-face-function (lambda(date) 'org-agenda-date)) |
(org-agenda-format-date "") |
(org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t) |
(org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t) |
(org-agenda-block-separator nil))))) |
)) |
) |
(use-package! org-super-agenda |
:disabled t |
:after org-agenda |
:init |
(setq |
org-agenda-time-grid '((daily today require-timed) (800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000) "----------------------" "......") |
org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t |
org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t |
org-agenda-include-deadlines t |
org-agenda-include-diary t |
org-agenda-block-separator nil |
org-agenda-compact-blocks t |
org-agenda-start-day nil |
org-agenda-span 'day |
org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil |
org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t |
) |
(setq org-super-agenda-groups |
'((:discard (:and (:scheduled t |
:todo "DONE" |
:not (:log closed)))) |
(:name "Done today" |
:log closed |
:order 4) |
(:name "Today" |
:time-grid t) |
(:name "Deadlines" |
:deadline today |
:order 0) |
(:name "Overdue" |
:deadline past |
:order 2) |
(:name "Next" |
:category "next") |
(:name "Personal tasks" |
:scheduled today))) |
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands |
'(("z" "Super view" |
((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 1) |
(org-agenda-start-day nil) |
(org-super-agenda-groups |
'((:name "Today" |
:time-grid t |
;; :date today |
;; :todo "TODAY" |
:scheduled today |
:order 1))))) |
(alltodo "" ((org-agenda-span 1) |
(org-agenda-start-day nil) |
(org-agenda-overriding-header "") |
(org-super-agenda-groups |
'( |
(:name "Next to do" |
:todo "NEXT" |
:order 1) |
(:name "Important" |
:tag "Important" |
:priority "A" |
:order 2) |
(:name "Due Today" |
:deadline today |
:order 3) |
(:name "Overdue" |
:deadline past |
:order 7) |
(:name "Due Soon" |
:deadline future |
:order 8) |
;; (:name "Assignments" |
;; :tag "Assignment" |
;; :order 10) |
;; (:name "Issues" |
;; :tag "Issue" |
;; :order 12) |
;; (:name "Projects" |
;; :tag "Project" |
;; :order 14) |
;; (:name "Emacs" |
;; :tag "Emacs" |
;; :order 13) |
;; (:name "Research" |
;; :tag "Research" |
;; :order 15) |
;; (:name "To read" |
;; :tag "Read" |
;; :order 30) |
;; (:name "Waiting" |
;; :todo "WAITING" |
;; :order 20) |
;; (:name "trivial" |
;; :priority<= "C" |
;; :tag ("Trivial" "Unimportant") |
;; :todo ("SOMEDAY" ) |
;; :order 90) |
;; (:discard (:tag ("Chore" "Routine" "Daily"))) |
)))))))) |
:config |
(org-super-agenda-mode) |
) |
(use-package! deft |
:bind |
("C-c n d" . deft) |
@ -323,6 +527,7 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
) |
(use-package! lsp-mode |
:disabled t |
:config |
(setq +lsp-company-backends '(:separate company-tabnine company-lsp company-yasnippet company-capf)) |
(setq lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting nil |
@ -350,28 +555,315 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(dired-omit-files nil)) |
(use-package! hydra |
:ensure t) |
:config |
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") (defhydra hydra-window () |
;; "window" |
;; ("v" (lambda() |
;; (interactive) |
;; (split-window-right) |
;; (windmove-right)) |
;; "vert") |
;; ("x" (lambda() |
;; (interactive) |
;; (split-window-below) |
;; (windmove-down)) |
;; "horz") |
;; ("o" delete-other-windows "one" :color blue) |
;; ("m" ace-window "ace") |
;; ("b" ivy-switch-buffer "buf") |
;; ("q" nil "quit") |
;; )) |
) |
(use-package! pretty-hydra |
:init |
(defun with-faicon (icon str &optional height v-adjust) |
(s-concat (all-the-icons-faicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) |
(defun with-fileicon (icon str &optional height v-adjust) |
(s-concat (all-the-icons-fileicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) |
(defun with-octicon (icon str &optional height v-adjust) |
(s-concat (all-the-icons-octicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) |
(defun with-material (icon str &optional height v-adjust) |
(s-concat (all-the-icons-material icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str)) |
(defun with-mode-icon (mode str &optional height nospace face) |
(let* ((v-adjust (if (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode) 0.0 0.05)) |
(args `(:height ,(or height 1) :v-adjust ,v-adjust)) |
(_ (when face |
(lax-plist-put args :face face))) |
(icon (apply #'all-the-icons-icon-for-mode mode args)) |
(icon (if (symbolp icon) |
(apply #'all-the-icons-octicon "file-text" args) |
icon))) |
(s-concat icon (if nospace "" " ") str))) |
(defun icon-displayable-p () |
"Return non-nil if icons are displayable." |
(and t |
(or (display-graphic-p) (daemonp)) |
(or (featurep 'all-the-icons) |
(require 'all-the-icons nil t)))) |
(cl-defun pretty-hydra-title (title &optional icon-type icon-name |
&key face height v-adjust) |
"Add an icon in the hydra title." |
(let ((face (or face `(:foreground ,(face-background 'highlight)))) |
(height (or height 1.0)) |
(v-adjust (or v-adjust 0.0))) |
(concat |
(when (and (icon-displayable-p) icon-type icon-name) |
(let ((f (intern (format "all-the-icons-%s" icon-type)))) |
(when (fboundp f) |
(concat |
(apply f (list icon-name :face face :height height :v-adjust v-adjust)) |
" ")))) |
(propertize title 'face face)))) |
(defun leo/load-theme (theme) |
(setq doom-theme theme) |
(load-theme theme)) |
(defvar leo/toggles--title (with-faicon "toggle-on" "Toggles" 1 -0.05)) |
(pretty-hydra-define leo/toggles |
(:color amaranth :quit-key ("q" "C-g") :title leo/toggles--title) |
("Basic" |
( |
("n" doom/toggle-line-numbers "line numbers") |
("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace" :toggle t) |
("r" rainbow-mode "rainbow" :toggle t) |
) |
"Highlight" |
( |
("h l" hl-line-mode "line" :toggle t) |
("h t" hl-todo-mode "todo" :toggle t) |
) |
"UI" |
( |
("d" (leo/load-theme 'doom-one) "dark theme" :toggle (eq doom-theme 'doom-one)) |
("l" (leo/load-theme 'doom-nord-light) "light theme" :toggle (eq doom-theme 'doom-nord-light)) |
) |
"Modeline" |
( |
("m" doom-modeline-mode "modern mode-line" :toggle t) |
("b" display-battery-mode "battery" :toggle t) |
("t" display-time-mode "time" :toggle t) |
) |
"Coding" |
( |
("f" flycheck-mode "flycheck" :toggle t) |
("F" flymake-mode "flymake" :toggle t) |
("p" smartparens-mode "smartparens" :toggle t) |
("P" smartparens-strict-mode "smartparens strict" :toggle t) |
("S" show-smartparens-mode "show smartparens" :toggle t) |
) |
"Emacs" |
( |
("D" toggle-debug-on-error "debug on error" :toggle (default-value 'debug-on-error)) |
("X" toggle-debug-on-quit "debug on quit" :toggle (default-value 'debug-on-quit)) |
) |
) |
) |
) |
(use-package! podcaster |
:custom |
(podcaster-mp3-player "mpv") |
(podcaster-feeds-urls '( |
"https://feeds.fireside.fm/linuxunplugged/rss" ;; Linux Unplugged |
"https://feeds.fireside.fm/office/rss" ;; Office Hours |
"https://feeds.fireside.fm/linuxactionnews/rss" ;; Linux Action News |
"https://feeds.fireside.fm/selfhosted/rss" ;; Self Hosted |
"https://feeds.fireside.fm/coder/rss" ;; Coder Radio |
"https://feeds.fireside.fm/extras/rss" ;; Extras |
)) |
(podcaster-mp3-player-extra-params '("--quiet" "--really-quiet" "--no-audio-display" "--force-window=no")) |
:config |
(defun podcaster () |
"Play podcasts." |
(interactive) |
(let* ((ivy-sort-functions-alist nil) |
(items (podcaster--collect-podcasts)) |
(titles (mapcar #'car items)) |
(title (completing-read "Podcasts: " titles)) |
(item (cdr (assoc-string title items)))) |
(when (ignore-errors (podcaster--player-process)) |
(podcaster-stop)) |
(podcaster--play-podcast item))) |
) |
(use-package! emms |
:disabled t |
:commands emms |
:init |
(add-hook 'emms-player-started-hook 'emms-show) |
(setq emms-show-format "Playing: %s") |
:config |
(emms-minimalistic) |
(emms-default-players) |
(setq emms-player-list '(emms-player-mpv) |
emms-playlist-buffer-name "*Media*") |
(setq emms-info-asynchronously nil) |
(setq-default |
emms-source-file-default-directory "~/Music/" |
emms-source-playlist-default-format 'm3u |
emms-playlist-mode-center-when-go t |
emms-playlist-default-major-mode 'emms-playlist-mode |
emms-show-format "NP: %s" |
emms-player-list '(emms-player-mpv)) |
:bind (:map global-map |
("C-c m" . nil) |
("C-c m" . emms-hydra/body)) |
:pretty-hydra |
((:color amaranth :quit-key "q") |
("emms" |
(("p" emms-start "Play/Pause") |
("s" emms-stop "Stop") |
("i" emms-show "Info") |
) |
) |
) |
) |
(use-package! emacs |
:bind (:map global-map |
("s-." . emacs-hydra/body)) |
:config |
(defun leo/music-play (url title album) |
(setq podcast-hard-link (car (car org-stored-links))) |
(message podcast-hard-link) |
(do-applescript |
(format " |
tell application \"Music\" |
open location \"%s\" |
play |
set name of current track to \"%s\" |
set album of current track to \"%s\" |
end tell" url title album))) |
(defun leo/music-visual-scrubber () |
"Show a graphical representation of the player progress bar." |
(interactive) |
(dotimes (i 5) |
(message (do-applescript |
"tell application \"Music\" |
set player_pos to get player position |
set player_dur to get duration of current track |
set player_time to get time of current track |
set get_seconds to round (player_pos) mod 60 |
set get_minutes to round (player_pos) / 60 |
set get_hours to round (player_pos) / (60 * 60) |
set pad_seconds to text -2 thru -1 of (\"00\" & get_seconds) |
set pad_minutes to text -2 thru -1 of (\"00\" & get_minutes) |
set pad_hours to text -2 thru -1 of (\"00\" & get_hours) |
set current_pos to pad_hours & \":\" & pad_minutes & \":\" & pad_seconds |
set final_pos to text -1 thru -8 of (\"00000000\" & player_time) |
set perc to player_pos / player_dur |
set bar_length to 40 |
set done to round (bar_length * perc) |
if done is 0 then set done to 1 |
set progress_completed to text 1 thru done of (\"\") |
set total_progress to text 1 thru bar_length of (progress_completed & \"\") |
set total_progress to \"\" & total_progress & \"\" |
set right_aligned_final_pos to text -1 thru -(bar_length - 8 + 2) of (\" \" & final_pos) |
set total_progress to total_progress & \" |
\" & current_pos & right_aligned_final_pos |
end tell")) |
(sit-for 1) |
) |
(message "") |
) |
;; |
;;01:34:37 01:21:27 |
;; |
;;00000 |
(defun leo/music-get-info () |
(interactive) |
(do-applescript "tell application \"Music\" |
set myName to get name of current track |
set myAlbum to get album of current track |
myName & \" - \" & myAlbum |
end tell")) |
(defun leo/music-playpause () |
(interactive) |
(do-applescript |
(format "tell application \"Music\" to playpause"))) |
(defun leo/music-skip-forward-30 () |
(interactive) |
(do-applescript |
(format "tell application \"Music\" to set player position to (player position + 30)"))) |
(defun leo/music-skip-backward-10 () |
(interactive) |
(do-applescript |
(format "tell application \"Music\" to set player position to (player position - 10)"))) |
(defun leo/play-podcast-in-music-app () |
"When in an elfeed-entry buffer, open mp3 url in Music.app on macos." |
(interactive) |
(org-store-link nil nil) |
(when (not (string= (buffer-name) "*elfeed-entry*")) |
(error "Not in an elfeed entry buffer")) |
(let ( |
(url (car (car (elfeed-entry-enclosures elfeed-show-entry)))) |
(title (elfeed-entry-title elfeed-show-entry)) |
(podcast (elfeed-feed-title (elfeed-entry-feed elfeed-show-entry))) |
) |
(leo/music-play url title podcast) |
)) |
(defun leo/music-open-show-notes () |
(interactive) |
(org-link-open-from-string podcast-hard-link) |
(elfeed-show-refresh--mail-style) |
) |
:pretty-hydra |
((:title (pretty-hydra-title (leo/music-get-info) 'faicon "headphones" :face 'all-the-icons-purple :height 1.1 :v-adjust -0.05) |
:color amaranth |
:quit-key ("q" "C-g" "s-.")) |
("Scrub" |
( |
("j" leo/music-skip-backward-10 "back 10 sec") |
("l" leo/music-skip-forward-30 "forward 30 sec") |
("v" leo/music-visual-scrubber "view scrubber") |
) |
"Controls" |
( |
("p" leo/music-playpause "play/pause" :color blue) |
("SPC" leo/music-playpause "play/pause" :color blue) ;; [[elfeed:feeds.fireside.fm#e27c3bf8-55cd-47fa-9a14-4eb93d6dc632][475: I Do Declare]] |
) |
"Other" |
( |
("s" leo/music-open-show-notes "show notes" :color blue) |
("b" elfeed "browse" :color blue) |
) |
)) |
) |
(use-package! elfeed |
:after hydra |
:bind (:map elfeed-search-mode-map |
("a" . elfeed-search-clear) |
("e" . elfeed-search-emacs) |
("E" . (lambda () (interactive) (elfeed-search-toggle "+emacs"))) |
("t" . elfeed-search-tesla) |
("T" . (lambda () (interactive) (elfeed-search-toggle "+tesla"))) |
("y" . elfeed-search-video) |
("Y" . (lambda () (interactive) (elfeed-search-toggle "+youtube"))) |
("v" . elfeed-search-browse-url) |
("o" . elfeed-search-show-entry) |
("g" . elfeed-search-fetch) |
("U" . elfeed-search-toggle-unread) |
) |
("?" . elfeed-hydra/body)) |
:config |
(load! "setup-elfeed.el") |
(setq elfeed-show-refresh-function 'elfeed-show-refresh--mail-style) |
:init |
(defun elfeed-search-clear () (interactive) (setq elfeed-search-filter "") (elfeed-search-update :force)) |
(defun elfeed-search-emacs () (interactive) (setq elfeed-search-filter "+emacs") (elfeed-search-update :force)) |
(defun elfeed-search-tesla () (interactive) (setq elfeed-search-filter "+tesla") (elfeed-search-update :force)) |
(defun elfeed-search-podcast () (interactive) (setq elfeed-search-filter "+podcast") (elfeed-search-update :force)) |
(defun elfeed-search-video () (interactive) (setq elfeed-search-filter "+youtube") (elfeed-search-update :force)) |
(defun elfeed-search-toggle-unread () |
(interactive) |
(let ((filter elfeed-search-filter)) |
@ -388,13 +880,72 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(if (s-contains-p term filter) |
(setq elfeed-search-filter (s-trim (s-replace term "" filter))) |
(setq elfeed-search-filter (concat filter " " term)))) |
(elfeed-search-update :force) |
) |
(elfeed-search-update :force)) |
:pretty-hydra |
((:title (pretty-hydra-title "Elfeed" 'faicon "rss-square" :face 'all-the-icons-orange :height 1.1 :v-adjust -0.05) |
:color amaranth |
:quit-key ("q" "C-g" "s-.")) |
("Search" |
(("c" elfeed-db-compact "compact db") |
("g" elfeed-search-update--force "refresh") |
("G" elfeed-search-fetch "update") |
("y" elfeed-search-yank "copy URL") |
("+" elfeed-search-tag-all "tag all") |
("-" elfeed-search-untag-all "untag all")) |
"Filter" |
(("/" elfeed-search-live-filter "live filter") |
("f" (elfeed-search-set-filter "@6-months-ago +f") "favorites") |
("c" (elfeed-search-set-filter "@6-months-ago") "clear search") |
("t" (elfeed-search-set-filter "@1-day-ago") "today")) |
"Search Toggles" |
( |
("se" (elfeed-search-toggle "+emacs") "emacs") |
("st" (elfeed-search-toggle "+tesla") "tesla") |
("sp" (elfeed-search-toggle "+podcast") "podcasts") |
("sj" (elfeed-search-toggle "+jb") "jb") |
("sy" (elfeed-search-toggle "+youtube") "youtube") |
("sl" (elfeed-search-toggle "+linux") "linux") |
) |
"Media" |
( |
("P" leo/play-podcast-in-music-app "Play Media") |
("A" elfeed-show-add-enclosure-to-playlist "Add to playlist") |
) |
"Article" |
(("b" elfeed-search-browse-url "browse") |
("n" next-line "next") |
("p" previous-line "previous") |
("u" elfeed-search-tag-all-unread "mark unread") |
("r" elfeed-search-untag-all-unread "mark read") |
("RET" elfeed-search-show-entry "show")))) |
) |
(after! xref |
(add-to-list '+lookup-provider-url-alist '("Melpa" "https://melpa.org/#/?q=%s")) |
(add-to-list '+lookup-provider-url-alist '("GitHub - LifeOmic" "https://github.com/search?q=user:LifeOmic+%s"))) |
(add-to-list '+lookup-provider-url-alist '("GitHub - LifeOmic" "https://github.com/search?q=user:LifeOmic+%s")) |
(add-to-list '+lookup-provider-url-alist '("Nix Packages" "https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=22.05&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=%s")) |
(add-to-list '+lookup-provider-url-alist '("Home Manager" "https://mipmip.github.io/home-manager-option-search/?%s")) |
(add-to-list '+lookup-provider-url-alist '("Github - Nix Darwin" "https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/search?q=%s")) |
) |
(after! world-clock |
;; Seattle 13:27 PDT |
;; New York 16:27 EDT |
;; London 21:27 BST |
;; Paris 22:27 CEST |
;; Bangalore 01:57 IST |
;; Tokyo 05:27 JST |
:config |
(setq world-clock-time-format "%I:%M %p") |
(setq world-clock-list '( |
("+7:00" "Pacific") |
("+5:00" "Central") |
("+4:00" "Eastern") |
("-1:00" "London") |
("-5:30" "India") |
)) |
) |
;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; HOOKS ;; |
@ -409,20 +960,70 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(map! :map global-map |
:prefix "C-x" |
"C-l" nil |
(:prefix ("C-l" . "launch app") |
(:prefix ("C-l" . "Levi's Leader") |
"a" #'org-agenda |
"e" #'elfeed |
"m" #'emms-browser |
"g" #'magit-status |
"w" #'world-clock |
)) |
(map! :map global-map |
:prefix "C-c" |
"a" nil |
(:prefix ("a" . "launch app") |
"a" #'org-agenda |
"e" #'elfeed |
"g" #'magit-status |
)) |
(map! :map org-mode-map |
:localleader |
"t" nil |
(:prefix ("t" . "tables") |
:desc "Insert row seperator below point" |
"-" #'org-table-hline-and-move |
:desc "Align Column Separators" |
"a" #'org-table-align |
:desc "Blank current field" |
"b" #'org-table-blank-field |
:desc "Create or Convert" |
"c" #'org-table-create-or-convert-from-region |
(:prefix ("d" . "delete") |
:desc "Column" |
"c" #'org-table-delete-column |
:desc "Row" |
"r" #'org-table-kill-row) |
:desc "Edit Field" |
"e" #'org-table-edit-field |
:desc "Edit Formula" |
"f" #'org-table-edit-formulas |
:desc "Help Show Field Info" |
"h" #'org-table-field-info |
(:prefix ("i" . "insert") |
:desc "Insert Column" |
"c" #'org-table-insert-column |
:desc "Insert Row" |
"r" #'org-table-insert-row |
) |
:desc "Recalculate This Table" |
"r" #'org-table-recalculate |
:desc "Recalculate All Buffer Tables" |
"R" #'org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables |
:desc "Sort by" |
"s" #'org-table-sort-lines |
(:prefix ("t" . "toggle") |
:desc "Toggle Formulas" |
"f" #'org-table-toggle-formula-debugger |
:desc "Toggle Coordinates" |
"c" #'org-table-toggle-coordinate-overlays |
) |
) |
) |
(map! :map comint-mode-map |
"q" '(lambda() |
@ -458,12 +1059,10 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(use-package! vs-restclient |
:bind (:map vs-restclient-mode-map |
("C-c C-c" . 'vs-restclient-http-send-current-stay-in-window)) |
:ensure t) |
("C-c C-c" . 'vs-restclient-http-send-current-stay-in-window))) |
(use-package! vs-restclient-jq |
:after vs-restclient |
:ensure t |
:config |
(vs-restclient-register-result-func |
"jq-set-var" #'vs-restclient-jq-json-var-function |
@ -473,10 +1072,10 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
(define-key vs-restclient-response-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-j") #'vs-restclient-jq-interactive-result) |
) |
(map! :map global-map |
"M-t" #'treemacs-select-window |
"M-q" #'leo/kill-this-buffer-unless-scratch |
"s-w" #'leo/kill-this-buffer-unless-scratch |
"M-RET" #'eshell |
:desc "Format Document or Region" |
@ -484,9 +1083,10 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
:desc "Comment or Uncomment Line or Region" |
"C-;" #'leo/comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line |
:desc "Open Private Doom Config" |
"C-c C-e" #'leo/edit-config |
"C-c C-e" #'leo/edit-config |
"C-c d" #'leo/duplicate-thing |
"C-c g" #'magit-status |
"s-g" #'magit-status |
"M-n" #'leo/jump-to-next-symbol |
"M-p" #'leo/jump-to-prev-symbol |
"M-u" #'upcase-dwim |
@ -502,7 +1102,8 @@ Also immediately enables `mixed-pitch-modes' if currently in one of the modes." |
"C-c C-r" #'persp-rename |
"C-c C-l" #'persp-switch |
"C-c C-s" #'persp-switch |
"C-c b" #'ivy-switch-buffer |
"C-c b" #'+ivy/switch-workspace-buffer |
"s-b" #'+ivy/switch-workspace-buffer |
;; "C-c b" #'counsel-switch-buffer |
"C-s" #'swiper |