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5 years ago
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5 years ago
  1. ;;; custom-packages --- Provide all the use-package declarations
  2. ;;; Commentary:
  3. ;;
  4. ;; See for help
  5. ;; USE PACKAGE help
  6. ;; (use-package package-here
  7. ;; :commands (cmd cmd-all cmd-etc) ;; List commands used to ":defer" the package
  8. ;; :bind-keymap
  9. ;; ("M-q" . package-here-keymap) ;; Setup an entire keymap using Prefix "M-q"
  10. ;; :bind
  11. ;; (("M-s" . cmd) ;; Available Globally
  12. ;; :map here-mode-map
  13. ;; ("C-t" . cmd-all) ;; Available only in "here-mode"
  14. ;; ("C-e" . cmd-etc)) ;; Available only in "here-mode"
  15. ;; :init
  16. ;; (setq stuff t) ;; declar vars etc...
  17. ;; :config
  18. ;; (here-mode 1) ;; eval stuff here after the init
  19. ;;
  20. ;; (use-package ruby-mode
  21. ;; :mode "\\.rb\\'"
  22. ;; :interpreter "ruby"
  23. ;;
  24. ;; ;; OR when the package name isn't the same as the =mode=
  25. ;; (use-package python
  26. ;; :mode ("\\.py\\'" . python-mode)
  27. ;; :interpreter ("python" . python-mode))
  28. ;;
  29. ;; USE ":defer" when you aren't using either :commands, :bind, :bind*, :bind-keymap, :bind-keymap*, :mode, :interpreter, or :hook
  30. ;; (use-package deferred-package
  31. ;; :defer t)
  32. ;;; Code:
  33. ;;
  34. (use-package bind-key
  35. :ensure t
  36. :bind
  37. ("C-<tab>" . leo/tidy)
  38. ("C-;" . leo/comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
  39. ("C-c e" . leo/find-user-init-file)
  40. ("M-q" . leo/kill-this-buffer-unless-scratch)
  41. ("C-c d" . leo/duplicate-thing)
  42. ("M-n" . leo/jump-to-next-symbol)
  43. ("M-p" . leo/jump-to-prev-symbol)
  44. ("M-u" . upcase-dwim)
  45. ("M-c" . capitalize-dwim)
  46. ("M-l" . downcase-dwim)
  47. )
  48. ;;
  49. (use-package diminish
  50. :ensure t
  51. :demand t)
  52. ;;
  53. (use-package ace-jump-mode
  54. :bind
  55. (("C-c SPC" . just-one-space)
  56. ("M-SPC" . ace-jump-mode)))
  57. ;;
  58. (use-package ace-window
  59. :ensure t
  60. :bind
  61. ([remap other-window] . ace-window)
  62. :init
  63. (setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?h ?t ?g ?y ?n ?e ?o ?i)))
  64. ;;
  65. (use-package doom-themes
  66. :ensure t
  67. :config
  68. (load-theme 'doom-one t))
  69. ;;
  70. (use-package base16-theme
  71. :disabled
  72. :ensure t
  73. :config
  74. (load-theme 'base16-onedark t))
  75. ;;
  76. (use-package beacon
  77. :ensure t
  78. :commands beacon-mode
  79. :demand t
  80. :init
  81. (setq beacon-size 30
  82. beacon-color "#5B6268"
  83. beacon-blink-delay 0.2
  84. beacon-blink-duration 0.5
  85. beacon-blink-when-focused t)
  86. (beacon-mode 1))
  87. ;;
  88. (use-package emojify
  89. :ensure t
  90. :defer 15
  91. :config
  92. (global-emojify-mode 1))
  93. ;;
  94. (use-package engine-mode
  95. :ensure t
  96. :defer 5
  97. :commands (engine/get-query engine/execute-search)
  98. :config
  99. (defengine google ""
  100. :keybinding "g")
  101. (defengine duckduckgo ""
  102. :keybinding "d")
  103. (engine-mode 1))
  104. ;;
  105. (use-package linum-relative
  106. :ensure t
  107. :config
  108. (linum-relative-mode))
  109. ;;
  110. (use-package rainbow-delimiters
  111. :ensure t
  112. :hook (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))
  113. ;; M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
  114. (use-package all-the-icons
  115. :ensure t)
  116. ;;
  117. (use-package minions
  118. :ensure t
  119. :config
  120. (minions-mode 1))
  121. (use-package doom-modeline
  122. :ensure t
  123. :after (all-the-icons minions)
  124. :hook (after-init . doom-modeline-mode)
  125. :commands (doom-modeline-def-modeline doom-modeline-set-modeline)
  126. :init
  127. (setq doom-modeline-height 40)
  128. (setq doom-modeline-bar-width 6)
  129. (setq doom-modeline-checker-simple-format nil)
  130. (setq doom-modeline-minor-modes (featurep 'minions))
  131. :config
  132. (doom-modeline-def-modeline 'leo/custom-modeline
  133. '(bar matches buffer-info remote-host buffer-position parrot selection-info)
  134. '(misc-info minor-modes input-method buffer-encoding major-mode process vcs checker " "))
  135. (defun leo/setup-custom-doom-modeline ()
  136. (doom-modeline-set-modeline 'leo/custom-modeline 'default))
  137. (add-hook 'doom-modeline-mode-hook 'leo/setup-custom-doom-modeline)
  138. )
  139. (use-package dashboard
  140. :ensure t
  141. :preface
  142. (defvar show-week-agenda-p)
  143. :init
  144. (setq dashboard-items '((recents . 6)
  145. (bookmarks . 5)
  146. ;; (projects . 5)
  147. (agenda . 5)))
  148. (setq dashboard-center-content t)
  149. (setq dashboard-banner-logo-title "Let's begin...")
  150. (setq dashboard-startup-banner 1)
  151. (setq dashboard-show-shortcuts t)
  152. (setq show-week-agenda-p t)
  153. (setq dashboard-org-agenda-categories '("work" "tasks"))
  154. :config
  155. (dashboard-setup-startup-hook))
  156. (use-package helm
  157. :ensure t
  158. :commands (helm-M-x helm-buffers-list helm-find-files helm-candidate-number-at-point)
  159. :demand t
  160. :bind
  161. ("M-x" . helm-M-x)
  162. ("C-c b" . helm-buffers-list)
  163. ("C-x C-f" . helm-find-files)
  164. :config
  165. (declare-function helm-candidate-number-at-point "helm.el")
  166. )
  167. ;;
  168. (use-package helm-swoop
  169. :ensure t
  170. :after (helm)
  171. :bind
  172. ("C-s" . helm-swoop)
  173. :config
  174. ;; If you prefer fuzzy matching
  175. (setq helm-swoop-use-fuzzy-match t))
  176. ;;
  177. (use-package helm-ag
  178. :ensure t
  179. :after (helm)
  180. :bind
  181. ("C-c k" . helm-ag))
  182. ;;
  183. (use-package expand-region
  184. :ensure t
  185. :bind
  186. ("C-@" . er/expand-region)
  187. ("C-#" . er/contract-region))
  188. ;;
  189. (use-package multiple-cursors
  190. :ensure t
  191. :bind
  192. ("C-}" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
  193. ("C-)" . mc/unmark-next-like-this)
  194. ("C-{" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
  195. ("C-(" . mc/unmark-previous-like-this))
  196. ;;
  197. (use-package bm
  198. :ensure t
  199. :demand t
  200. :bind (("C-x b b" . bm-toggle)
  201. ("C-x b n" . bm-next)
  202. ("C-x b p" . bm-previous))
  203. :commands (bm-repository-load
  204. bm-repository-save
  205. bm-buffer-save
  206. bm-buffer-save-all
  207. bm-buffer-restore)
  208. :preface
  209. (setq left-fringe-width 6)
  210. (setq right-fringe-width 0)
  211. (defface bm-face '((t nil)) "Specify face used to highlight the current line" :group 'bm)
  212. (defface bm-fringe-face '((t (:background "DarkOrange1" :foreground "DarkOrange1"))) "Specify face used to highlight the fringe" :group 'bm)
  213. (defface bm-fringe-persistent-face '((t (:background "DarkOrange1" :foreground "DarkOrange1"))) "Specify face used to highlight the fringe for persistant bookmarks" :group 'bm)
  214. (defface bm-persistent-face '((t nil)) "Specify face used to highlight the current line for persistant bookmarks" :group 'bm)
  215. (defface fringe '((t nil)) "Specify face used for the fringe" :group 'basic-faces :group 'frames)
  216. :init
  217. (setq bm-restore-repository-on-load t)
  218. :config
  219. (setq bm-cycle-all-buffers t)
  220. (setq bm-repository-file (concat user-emacs-directory "bookmark-repo"))
  221. (setq-default bm-buffer-persistence t)
  222. (setq bm-highlight-style 'bm-highlight-only-fringe)
  223. (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'bm-repository-load)
  224. (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'bm-buffer-restore)
  225. (add-hook 'after-revert-hook #'bm-buffer-restore)
  226. (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bm-buffer-save)
  227. (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'bm-buffer-save)
  228. (add-hook 'vc-before-checkin-hook #'bm-buffer-save)
  229. (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'(lambda nil
  230. (bm-buffer-save-all)
  231. (bm-repository-save))))
  232. ;; link
  233. (use-package elfeed
  234. :ensure t
  235. :commands (elfeed)
  236. :bind ("C-x C-l e" . elfeed)
  237. :init
  238. (setq elfeed-feeds
  239. '(
  240. ("" daily)
  241. ("" daily)
  242. ("" daily)
  243. ("" daily)
  244. ("" emacs)
  245. ("" emacs)
  246. ("" emacs)
  247. ("" emacs)
  248. ("" emacs)
  249. )))
  250. ;;
  251. (use-package browse-at-remote
  252. :bind ("C-c B" . browse-at-remote))
  253. ;;
  254. (use-package which-key
  255. :ensure t
  256. :config
  257. (which-key-setup-minibuffer)
  258. (which-key-mode))
  259. ;;
  260. (use-package fic-mode
  261. :ensure t
  262. :hook prog-mode
  263. :init
  264. (defface fic-face '((t :foreground "red" :weight bold)) "Specify face used for fic-mode highlighting" :group 'basic-faces)
  265. (defface fic-author-face '((t :foreground "red" :underline t)) "Specify face used for fic-mode highlighting" :group 'basic-faces)
  266. )
  267. ;;
  268. (use-package yasnippet
  269. :ensure t
  270. :commands (yas-reload-all)
  271. :hook (prog-mode . yas-minor-mode)
  272. :init
  273. (setq yas-snippet-dirs (list (concat user-emacs-directory "snippets")))
  274. :config
  275. (yas-reload-all))
  276. ;;
  277. (use-package company
  278. :ensure t
  279. :defer 5
  280. :commands (company-mode)
  281. :hook (prog-mode . company-mode))
  282. ;;
  283. (use-package restclient
  284. :ensure t
  285. :mode ("\\.rest\\'" . restclient-mode))
  286. ;;
  287. (use-package company-restclient
  288. :ensure t
  289. :after (company restclient))
  290. ;;
  291. (use-package magit
  292. :commands magit-status
  293. :ensure t
  294. :init
  295. (setq magit-completing-read-function 'helm-completing-read-default-handler)
  296. :bind
  297. ("C-x g" . magit-status)
  298. ("C-c g" . magit-status))
  299. ;;
  300. (use-package projectile
  301. :ensure t
  302. :bind-keymap
  303. ("C-c p" . projectile-command-map)
  304. )
  305. ;;
  306. (use-package gitignore-mode
  307. :ensure t)
  308. ;;
  309. (use-package gitconfig-mode
  310. :ensure t)
  311. ;;
  312. (use-package web-mode
  313. :ensure t
  314. :mode "\\.html?\\'")
  315. ;;
  316. (use-package json-mode
  317. :ensure t
  318. :mode "\\.json\\'")
  319. ;;
  320. (use-package scss-mode
  321. :ensure t
  322. :mode ("\\.s?css\\'" . scss-mode))
  323. ;;
  324. (use-package csv-mode
  325. :disabled
  326. :ensure t
  327. :mode ("\\.csv\\'" . csv-mode))
  328. ;;
  329. (use-package cargo
  330. :hook (rust-mode . cargo-minor-mode))
  331. ;;
  332. (use-package centered-cursor-mode
  333. :disabled
  334. :commands centered-cursor-mode
  335. :hook prog-mode)
  336. ;;
  337. (use-package flycheck
  338. :ensure t
  339. :preface
  340. (defvar flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path)
  341. :init
  342. (setq flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)
  343. (global-flycheck-mode))
  344. ;;
  345. (use-package org
  346. :commands (org-cycle-agenda-files org-capture)
  347. :ensure org-plus-contrib
  348. :mode ("\\.org\\'" . org-mode)
  349. :bind (
  350. ("C-," . org-cycle-agenda-files)
  351. ("C-c C-d" . org-capture)
  352. :map org-mode-map
  353. ("M-RET" . org-insert-todo-heading)
  354. )
  355. :preface
  356. (defvar org-html-validation-link)
  357. (defvar org-html-text-markup-alist)
  358. :init
  359. (setq org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/Org/"
  360. "~/Dropbox/Org/"
  361. "~/Dropbox/Org/diary/"))
  362. (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "|" "DONE(d)")
  363. (sequence "BUG(b)" "INPROGRESS(i)" "|" "FIXED(f)")
  364. (sequence "TEST(T)" "NOTEST(N)" "|" "COMPLETE(C)")
  365. (sequence "|" "CANCELED(c)")
  366. (sequence "|" "NEEDCLARIFICATION(n)")
  367. (sequence "|" "PROVIDEUPDATE(p)")
  368. (sequence "|" "WAITING(w)"))
  369. org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 3)
  370. (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 3))
  371. org-directory "~/Dropbox/Org"
  372. org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/")
  373. org-startup-folded t
  374. org-startup-indented t
  375. org-startup-align-all-tables t
  376. org-startup-with-inline-images t
  377. org-startup-with-latex-preview t
  378. org-src-tab-acts-natively t
  379. org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
  380. org-log-done t
  381. org-log-done-with-time t
  382. org-log-into-drawer t
  383. org-hide-leading-stars t
  384. org-pretty-entities t
  385. org-use-property-inheritance t
  386. org-html-validation-link nil
  387. org-html-text-markup-alist '((bold . "<b>%s</b>")
  388. (code . "<code>%s</code>")
  389. (italic . "<i>%s</i>")
  390. (strike-through . "<del>%s</del>")
  391. (underline . "<span class=\"underline\">%s</span>")
  392. (verbatim . "<code class=\"verbatim\">%s</code>"))
  393. )
  394. :config
  395. (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((js . t)
  396. (shell . t)
  397. (emacs-lisp . t)))
  398. (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
  399. (list "e" (concat "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent\n"
  400. "\n"
  401. "#+END_SRC")))
  402. (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
  403. (list "j" (concat "#+BEGIN_SRC js :cmd \"/usr/local/bin/babel-node\" :results output code\n"
  404. "\n"
  405. "#+END_SRC")))
  406. (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
  407. (list "r" (concat "#+BEGIN_SRC restclient :results raw\n"
  408. "\n"
  409. "#+END_SRC")))
  410. )
  411. ;;
  412. (use-package org-bullets
  413. :ensure t
  414. :after (org)
  415. :hook (org-mode . org-bullets-mode)
  416. :config
  417. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-1 nil :height 1.3)
  418. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-2 nil :height 1.1)
  419. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-3 nil :height 1.05)
  420. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-4 nil :height 1.05)
  421. (set-face-attribute 'org-scheduled-today nil :height 1.0)
  422. (set-face-attribute 'org-agenda-date-today nil :height 1.1))
  423. ;;
  424. (use-package org-protocol
  425. :ensure org-plus-contrib
  426. :after (org)
  427. :preface
  428. (defvar org-capture-templates)
  429. :init
  430. (setq org-capture-templates
  431. '(("t" "new task" entry (file+headline "~/Dropbox/Org/" "Tasks")
  432. "* TODO [#A] %?\nSCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+0d\"))\n%a\n")
  433. ("n" "new note" entry (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Notes")
  434. "* %?\n%i\n")
  435. ("l" "store link" entry (file+olp org-default-notes-file "Links" "Unfiled")
  436. "* %a\n%?\n")
  437. ("d" "store link w/drawer" entry (file+olp org-default-notes-file "Links" "Unfiled")
  438. "* %?\n%l\n:COPIED_TEXT:\n %i\n:END:\n")
  439. ("f" "dotfile" entry (file+headline "~/Dropbox/Org/" "Other")
  440. "* %?\n:PROPERTIES:\n:CUSTOM_ID: %(org-id-get-create)\n:END:\n")
  441. ))
  442. )
  443. ;;
  444. (use-package org-link-minor-mode
  445. :ensure t
  446. :defer t
  447. :commands (org-link-minor-mode))
  448. (provide 'custom-packages)
  449. ;;; custom-packages.el ends here