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5 years ago
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5 years ago
5 years ago
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5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
  1. ;;; 08-custom-packages --- Provide all the use-package declarations
  2. ;;; Commentary:
  3. ;;
  4. ;; See for help
  5. ;; USE PACKAGE help
  6. ;; (use-package package-here
  7. ;; :commands (cmd cmd-all cmd-etc) ;; List commands used to ":defer" the package
  8. ;; :bind-keymap
  9. ;; ("M-q" . package-here-keymap) ;; Setup an entire keymap using Prefix "M-q"
  10. ;; :bind
  11. ;; (("M-s" . cmd) ;; Available Globally
  12. ;; :map here-mode-map
  13. ;; ("C-t" . cmd-all) ;; Available only in "here-mode"
  14. ;; ("C-e" . cmd-etc)) ;; Available only in "here-mode"
  15. ;; :init
  16. ;; (setq stuff t) ;; declar vars etc...
  17. ;; :config
  18. ;; (here-mode 1) ;; eval stuff here after the init
  19. ;;
  20. ;; (use-package ruby-mode
  21. ;; :mode "\\.rb\\'"
  22. ;; :interpreter "ruby"
  23. ;;
  24. ;; ;; OR when the package name isn't the same as the =mode=
  25. ;; (use-package python
  26. ;; :mode ("\\.py\\'" . python-mode)
  27. ;; :interpreter ("python" . python-mode))
  28. ;;
  29. ;; USE ":defer" when you aren't using either :commands, :bind, :bind*, :bind-keymap, :bind-keymap*, :mode, :interpreter, or :hook
  30. ;; (use-package deferred-package
  31. ;; :defer t)
  32. ;;; Code:
  33. ;;
  34. (use-package diminish
  35. :ensure t
  36. :demand t
  37. )
  38. ;;
  39. (use-package delight
  40. :ensure t)
  41. ;;
  42. (use-package ace-jump-mode
  43. :bind
  44. (("C-c SPC" . just-one-space)
  45. ("M-SPC" . ace-jump-mode)))
  46. ;;
  47. (use-package ace-window
  48. :disabled
  49. :ensure t
  50. :bind
  51. ([remap other-window] . ace-window)
  52. :init
  53. (setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?h ?t ?g ?y ?n ?e ?o ?i)))
  54. ;;
  55. (use-package doom-themes
  56. :disabled
  57. :ensure t
  58. :config
  59. (load-theme 'doom-one t))
  60. ;;
  61. (use-package base16-theme
  62. :disabled
  63. :ensure t
  64. :config
  65. (load-theme 'base16-onedark t))
  66. ;;
  67. (use-package zerodark-theme
  68. :ensure t
  69. :config
  70. (load-theme 'zerodark t)
  71. (zerodark-setup-modeline-format))
  72. ;;
  73. (use-package beacon
  74. :diminish
  75. :ensure t
  76. :commands beacon-mode
  77. :demand t
  78. :init
  79. (setq beacon-size 30
  80. beacon-color "#5B6268"
  81. beacon-blink-delay 0.2
  82. beacon-blink-duration 0.5
  83. beacon-blink-when-focused t)
  84. (beacon-mode 1))
  85. ;;
  86. (use-package emojify
  87. :ensure t
  88. :defer 15
  89. :config
  90. (global-emojify-mode 1))
  91. ;;
  92. (use-package engine-mode
  93. :ensure t
  94. :defer 5
  95. :commands (engine/get-query engine/execute-search)
  96. :config
  97. ;; C-x / to start
  98. (defengine google ""
  99. :keybinding "g")
  100. (defengine duckduckgo ""
  101. :keybinding "d")
  102. (defengine melpa ""
  103. :keybinding "m")
  104. (engine-mode 1))
  105. ;;
  106. (use-package linum-relative
  107. :disabled
  108. :ensure t
  109. :config
  110. (linum-relative-mode))
  111. ;;
  112. (use-package rainbow-delimiters
  113. :ensure t
  114. :hook (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))
  115. ;; rainbow-mode
  116. (use-package rainbow-mode
  117. :ensure t
  118. :hook prog-mode)
  119. ;; M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
  120. (use-package all-the-icons
  121. :ensure t)
  122. (use-package doom-modeline
  123. :disabled
  124. :ensure t
  125. :after (all-the-icons)
  126. :hook (after-init . doom-modeline-mode)
  127. :commands (doom-modeline-def-modeline doom-modeline-set-modeline)
  128. :init
  129. (setq doom-modeline-height 40)
  130. (setq doom-modeline-bar-width 6)
  131. (setq doom-modeline-checker-simple-format nil)
  132. (setq doom-modeline-minor-modes (featurep 'minions))
  133. :config
  134. (doom-modeline-def-modeline 'leo/custom-modeline
  135. '(bar matches buffer-info remote-host buffer-position parrot selection-info)
  136. '(misc-info minor-modes input-method buffer-encoding major-mode process vcs checker " "))
  137. (defun leo/setup-custom-doom-modeline ()
  138. (doom-modeline-set-modeline 'leo/custom-modeline 'default))
  139. (add-hook 'doom-modeline-mode-hook 'leo/setup-custom-doom-modeline)
  140. )
  141. (use-package dashboard
  142. :ensure t
  143. :preface
  144. (defvar show-week-agenda-p)
  145. :init
  146. (setq dashboard-items '((recents . 6)
  147. (bookmarks . 5)
  148. (projects . 5)
  149. (agenda . 5)))
  150. (setq dashboard-center-content t)
  151. (setq dashboard-banner-logo-title "Let's do this...")
  152. (setq dashboard-startup-banner 1)
  153. (setq dashboard-show-shortcuts t)
  154. (setq show-week-agenda-p t)
  155. (setq dashboard-org-agenda-categories '("work" "tasks"))
  156. :config
  157. (dashboard-setup-startup-hook))
  158. ;; counsel
  159. (use-package counsel
  160. :ensure t
  161. :demand t
  162. :bind
  163. ;; ("M-x" . counsel-M-x)
  164. ("C-c k" . counsel-rg)
  165. ("C-x C-f" . counsel-find-file)
  166. ("C-x f" . counsel-recentf)
  167. ("C-x C-d" . counsel-dired)
  168. ("C-x p" . counsel-package)
  169. ("C-x b" . counsel-bookmark)
  170. ("C-x c" . counsel-colors-web)
  171. ("C-c C-d" . counsel-org-capture)
  172. ;; Describe Replacements
  173. ("C-h f" . counsel-describe-function)
  174. ("C-h v" . counsel-describe-variable)
  175. ("C-h b" . counsel-descbinds)
  176. ("M-y" . counsel-yank-pop)
  177. ;; Ivy
  178. ("C-c b" . ivy-switch-buffer)
  179. ("C-c c" . ivy-resume)
  180. ;; Swiper
  181. ("C-s" . swiper)
  182. :config
  183. (ivy-mode 1)
  184. )
  185. ;;
  186. (use-package amx
  187. :ensure t
  188. :demand t
  189. :commands (execute-extended-command)
  190. :after (counsel)
  191. :init
  192. (amx-mode 1))
  193. ;;
  194. (use-package expand-region
  195. :ensure t
  196. :bind
  197. ("C-@" . er/expand-region)
  198. ("C-#" . er/contract-region))
  199. ;;
  200. (use-package howdoyou
  201. :ensure t
  202. :commands (howdoyou-query howdoyou-next-link howdoyou-previous-link howdoyou-go-back-to-first-link howdoyou-reload-link)
  203. :bind
  204. ("C-c h q" . howdoyou-query)
  205. ("C-c h n" . howdoyou-next-link)
  206. ("C-c h p" . howdoyou-previous-link)
  207. ("C-c h f" . howdoyou-go-back-to-first-link)
  208. ("C-c h r" . howdoyou-reload-link)
  209. )
  210. ;;
  211. (use-package multiple-cursors
  212. :ensure t
  213. :bind
  214. ("C-}" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
  215. ("C-)" . mc/unmark-next-like-this)
  216. ("C-{" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
  217. ("C-(" . mc/unmark-previous-like-this))
  218. ;;
  219. (use-package bm
  220. :disabled
  221. :ensure t
  222. :demand t
  223. :bind (("C-x b b" . bm-toggle)
  224. ("C-x b n" . bm-next)
  225. ("C-x b p" . bm-previous))
  226. :commands (bm-repository-load
  227. bm-repository-save
  228. bm-buffer-save
  229. bm-buffer-save-all
  230. bm-buffer-restore)
  231. :preface
  232. (setq left-fringe-width 6)
  233. (setq right-fringe-width 0)
  234. (defface bm-face '((t nil)) "Specify face used to highlight the current line" :group 'bm)
  235. (defface bm-fringe-face '((t (:background "DarkOrange1" :foreground "DarkOrange1"))) "Specify face used to highlight the fringe" :group 'bm)
  236. (defface bm-fringe-persistent-face '((t (:background "DarkOrange1" :foreground "DarkOrange1"))) "Specify face used to highlight the fringe for persistant bookmarks" :group 'bm)
  237. (defface bm-persistent-face '((t nil)) "Specify face used to highlight the current line for persistant bookmarks" :group 'bm)
  238. (defface fringe '((t nil)) "Specify face used for the fringe" :group 'basic-faces :group 'frames)
  239. :init
  240. (setq bm-restore-repository-on-load t)
  241. :config
  242. (setq bm-cycle-all-buffers t)
  243. (setq bm-repository-file (concat user-emacs-directory "bookmark-repo"))
  244. (setq-default bm-buffer-persistence t)
  245. (setq bm-highlight-style 'bm-highlight-only-fringe)
  246. (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'bm-repository-load)
  247. (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'bm-buffer-restore)
  248. (add-hook 'after-revert-hook #'bm-buffer-restore)
  249. (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bm-buffer-save)
  250. (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'bm-buffer-save)
  251. (add-hook 'vc-before-checkin-hook #'bm-buffer-save)
  252. (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'(lambda nil
  253. (bm-buffer-save-all)
  254. (bm-repository-save))))
  255. ;; link
  256. (use-package elfeed
  257. :ensure t
  258. :commands (elfeed elfeed-search-set-filter)
  259. :bind
  260. (("C-x C-l e" . elfeed)
  261. :map elfeed-search-mode-map
  262. ("a" . (lambda () (interactive) (elfeed-search-set-filter "")))
  263. ("e" . (lambda () (interactive) (elfeed-search-set-filter "+emacs")))
  264. ("d" . (lambda () (interactive) (elfeed-search-set-filter "+daily")))
  265. ("x" . (lambda () (interactive) (elfeed-search-set-filter "xkcd"))))
  266. :init
  267. (setq elfeed-feeds
  268. '(
  269. ("" daily)
  270. ("" daily)
  271. ("" daily)
  272. ("" daily)
  273. ("" emacs)
  274. ("" emacs)
  275. ("" emacs)
  276. ("" emacs)
  277. ("" emacs)
  278. ("" tesla)
  279. ("" pixel4)
  280. ("" stadia)
  281. ))
  282. :config
  283. (elfeed-update)
  284. )
  285. ;;
  286. (use-package browse-at-remote
  287. :bind ("C-c B" . browse-at-remote))
  288. ;;
  289. (use-package which-key
  290. :diminish
  291. :ensure t
  292. :config
  293. (which-key-setup-minibuffer)
  294. (which-key-mode))
  295. ;; TODO
  296. (use-package fic-mode
  297. :ensure t
  298. :hook (prog-mode js-mode javascript-mode)
  299. :commands fic-mode
  300. :custom-face
  301. (fic-face ((t :foreground "red" :weight bold)))
  302. (fic-author-face ((t :foreground "red" :underline t))))
  303. ;;
  304. (use-package yasnippet
  305. :ensure t
  306. :commands (yas-reload-all)
  307. :hook (prog-mode . yas-minor-mode)
  308. :init
  309. (setq yas-snippet-dirs (list (concat user-emacs-directory "snippets")))
  310. :config
  311. (yas-reload-all))
  312. ;;
  313. (use-package company
  314. :ensure t
  315. :defer 5
  316. :commands (company-mode)
  317. :hook (prog-mode . company-mode)
  318. :bind
  319. (:map company-active-map
  320. ("M-n" . nil)
  321. ("M-p" . nil)
  322. ("C-n" . company-select-next)
  323. ("C-p" . company-select-previous))
  324. :config
  325. (setq company-idle-delay 0.1)
  326. (setq company-minimum-prefix-length 4)
  327. )
  328. ;;
  329. (use-package restclient
  330. :ensure t
  331. :mode ("\\.rest\\'" . restclient-mode))
  332. ;;
  333. (use-package company-restclient
  334. :ensure t
  335. :after (company restclient))
  336. ;;
  337. (use-package magit
  338. :commands magit-status
  339. :ensure t
  340. :bind
  341. ("C-x g" . magit-status)
  342. ("C-c g" . magit-status))
  343. ;;
  344. (use-package projectile
  345. :delight '(:eval (concat " [" (projectile-project-name) "]"))
  346. :ensure t
  347. :bind-keymap
  348. ("C-c p" . projectile-command-map)
  349. :init
  350. ;; (setq projectile-mode-line-prefix " P")
  351. (setq projectile-completion-system 'ivy)
  352. :config
  353. (projectile-mode 1)
  354. ;; (projectile-register-project-type 'npm '("package.json")
  355. ;; :compile "npm install"
  356. ;; :test "npm test"
  357. ;; :run "npm start"
  358. ;; :test-suffix ".test")
  359. )
  360. ;;
  361. (use-package angular-mode
  362. :ensure t
  363. :defer t
  364. )
  365. ;;
  366. (use-package angular-snippets
  367. :ensure t
  368. :defer t
  369. )
  370. ;;
  371. (use-package gitignore-mode
  372. :ensure t)
  373. ;;
  374. (use-package gitconfig-mode
  375. :ensure t)
  376. ;;
  377. (use-package web-mode
  378. :ensure t
  379. :mode "\\.html?\\'")
  380. ;;
  381. (use-package json-mode
  382. :ensure t
  383. :mode "\\.json\\'")
  384. ;;
  385. (use-package scss-mode
  386. :ensure t
  387. :mode ("\\.s?css\\'" . scss-mode))
  388. ;;
  389. (use-package csv-mode
  390. :disabled
  391. :ensure t
  392. :mode ("\\.csv\\'" . csv-mode))
  393. ;;
  394. (use-package cargo
  395. :hook (rust-mode . cargo-minor-mode))
  396. ;;
  397. (use-package centered-cursor-mode
  398. :disabled
  399. :commands centered-cursor-mode
  400. :hook prog-mode)
  401. ;;
  402. (use-package flycheck
  403. :diminish
  404. :ensure t
  405. :preface
  406. (defvar flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path)
  407. :init
  408. (setq flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)
  409. (global-flycheck-mode))
  410. ;;
  411. (use-package org
  412. :commands (org-cycle-agenda-files org-capture)
  413. :ensure org-plus-contrib
  414. :mode ("\\.org\\'" . org-mode)
  415. :bind (
  416. ("C-," . org-cycle-agenda-files)
  417. ("C-c C-d" . org-capture)
  418. :map org-mode-map
  419. ("M-RET" . org-insert-todo-heading)
  420. )
  421. :preface
  422. (defvar org-html-validation-link)
  423. (defvar org-html-text-markup-alist)
  424. :init
  425. (setq org-agenda-files '("~/Dropbox/Org/"
  426. "~/Dropbox/Org/"
  427. "~/Dropbox/Org/diary/"))
  428. (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "|" "DONE(d)")
  429. (sequence "BUG(b)" "INPROGRESS(i)" "|" "FIXED(f)")
  430. (sequence "TEST(T)" "NOTEST(N)" "|" "COMPLETE(C)")
  431. (sequence "|" "CANCELED(c)")
  432. (sequence "|" "NEEDCLARIFICATION(n)")
  433. (sequence "|" "PROVIDEUPDATE(p)")
  434. (sequence "|" "WAITING(w)"))
  435. org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 3)
  436. (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 3))
  437. org-directory "~/Dropbox/Org"
  438. org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/")
  439. org-startup-folded t
  440. org-startup-indented t
  441. org-startup-align-all-tables t
  442. org-startup-with-inline-images t
  443. org-startup-with-latex-preview t
  444. org-src-tab-acts-natively t
  445. org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
  446. org-log-done t
  447. org-log-done-with-time t
  448. org-log-into-drawer t
  449. org-hide-leading-stars t
  450. org-pretty-entities t
  451. org-use-property-inheritance t
  452. org-html-validation-link nil
  453. org-html-text-markup-alist '((bold . "<b>%s</b>")
  454. (code . "<code>%s</code>")
  455. (italic . "<i>%s</i>")
  456. (strike-through . "<del>%s</del>")
  457. (underline . "<span class=\"underline\">%s</span>")
  458. (verbatim . "<code class=\"verbatim\">%s</code>"))
  459. )
  460. :config
  461. (defun org-src-disable-flycheck-doc ()
  462. "Disable flycheck comment doc string checking when (C-c ') ing a file."
  463. (interactive)
  464. (setq flycheck-disabled-checkers '(emacs-lisp-checkdoc)))
  465. (add-to-list 'org-src-mode-hook 'org-src-disable-flycheck-doc)
  466. (when (version<= "9.2" (org-version))
  467. (require 'org-tempo))
  468. (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((js . t)
  469. (shell . t)
  470. (emacs-lisp . t)))
  471. (setq org-structure-template-alist
  472. '(("r" . "src restclient :results raw")
  473. ("j" . "src js :cmd \"/usr/local/bin/babel-node\" :results output code")
  474. ("e" . "src emacs-lisp :results silent")
  475. ("a" . "export ascii")
  476. ("c" . "center")
  477. ("C" . "comment")
  478. ("E" . "export")
  479. ("h" . "export html")
  480. ("l" . "export latex")
  481. ("q" . "quote")
  482. ("s" . "src")
  483. ("v" . "verse")))
  484. (defconst checkbox-fontlock-keywords-alist
  485. (mapcar (lambda (regex-char-pair)
  486. `(,(car regex-char-pair)
  487. (0 (prog1 ()
  488. (compose-region (match-beginning 1)
  489. (match-end 1)
  490. ,(concat (list ?\C-i)
  491. (list (decode-char 'ucs (cadr regex-char-pair)))))))))
  492. '(("\\(\\[ \\]\\)" #XF096);2B1C
  493. ("\\(\\[-\\]\\)" #XF147);29C7;F458
  494. ("\\(\\[X\\]\\)" #XF046);2BBD
  495. )))
  496. (defun add-checkbox-symbol-keywords ()
  497. "Add checkbox font to font-lock."
  498. (font-lock-add-keywords nil checkbox-fontlock-keywords-alist))
  499. (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'add-checkbox-symbol-keywords)
  500. )
  501. ;;
  502. (use-package org-bullets
  503. :ensure t
  504. :after (org)
  505. :hook (org-mode . org-bullets-mode)
  506. :config
  507. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-1 nil :height 1.3)
  508. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-2 nil :height 1.1)
  509. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-3 nil :height 1.05)
  510. (set-face-attribute 'org-level-4 nil :height 1.05)
  511. (set-face-attribute 'org-scheduled-today nil :height 1.0)
  512. (set-face-attribute 'org-agenda-date-today nil :height 1.1))
  513. ;;
  514. (use-package org-protocol
  515. :ensure org-plus-contrib
  516. :after (org)
  517. :preface
  518. (defvar org-capture-templates)
  519. :init
  520. (setq org-capture-templates
  521. '(("t" "new task" entry (file+headline "~/Dropbox/Org/" "Tasks")
  522. "* TODO [#A] %?\nSCHEDULED: %(org-insert-time-stamp (org-read-date nil t \"+0d\"))\n%a\n")
  523. ("n" "new note" entry (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Notes")
  524. "* %?\n%i\n")
  525. ("l" "store link" entry (file+olp org-default-notes-file "Links" "Unfiled")
  526. "* %a\n%?\n")
  527. ("d" "store link w/drawer" entry (file+olp org-default-notes-file "Links" "Unfiled")
  528. "* %?\n%l\n:COPIED_TEXT:\n %i\n:END:\n")
  529. ))
  530. )
  531. ;;
  532. (use-package org-link-minor-mode
  533. :ensure t
  534. :defer t
  535. :commands (org-link-minor-mode))
  536. ;;
  537. (use-package ox-twbs
  538. :ensure t
  539. :demand t
  540. :after (org))
  541. ;;
  542. (use-package htmlize
  543. :ensure t
  544. :defer 5)
  545. ;;
  546. (use-package bind-key
  547. :ensure t
  548. :bind
  549. ("C-<tab>" . leo/tidy)
  550. ("C-;" . leo/comment-or-uncomment-region-or-line)
  551. ("C-c e" . leo/find-user-init-file)
  552. ("M-q" . leo/kill-this-buffer-unless-scratch)
  553. ("C-c d" . leo/duplicate-thing)
  554. ("M-n" . leo/jump-to-next-symbol)
  555. ("M-p" . leo/jump-to-prev-symbol)
  556. ("M-u" . upcase-dwim)
  557. ("M-c" . capitalize-dwim)
  558. ("M-l" . downcase-dwim)
  559. )
  560. ;;
  561. (use-package sudo-edit
  562. :ensure t
  563. :defer t
  564. :commands (sudo-edit))
  565. ;;
  566. (use-package slack
  567. :disabled
  568. :commands (slack-start)
  569. :init
  570. (setq slack-buffer-emojify t)
  571. (setq slack-prefer-current-team t)
  572. :config
  573. (advice-add 'slack-counts-update :override #'ignore))
  574. (provide '08-custom-packages)
  575. ;;; 08-custom-packages.el ends here