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Semi-working vlocitemacs package

Levi Olson 4 years ago
3 changed files with 174 additions and 102 deletions
  1. +5
  2. +15
  3. +154

+ 5
- 0
lisp/07_5-custom-created-packages.el View File

@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
("M-<tab>" . sfdx/next-component-file)
("C-x C-l s" . sfdx/transient-action))
(use-package json
:ensure t
:straight (:host github :repo "ryancrum/json.el" :branch "master"))
(use-package vlocitemacs
:defer 5
:load-path "custom/vlocitemacs"
@ -28,5 +32,6 @@
(provide '07_5-custom-created-packages)
;;; 07_5-custom-created-packages.el ends here

+ 15
- 0
lisp/08-custom-packages.el View File

@ -629,6 +629,21 @@
:defer t
:commands (sudo-edit))
(use-package paredit
:defer 5
:commands enable-paredit-mode
:hook (
(emacs-lisp-mode . enable-paredit-mode)
(lisp-mode . enable-paredit-mode)
(lisp-interaction-mode . enable-paredit-mode)
(scheme-mode . enable-paredit-mode)
(eval-expression-minibuffer-setup . enable-paredit-mode)
(unbind-key "M-q" paredit-mode-map)
(provide '08-custom-packages)
;;; 08-custom-packages.el ends here

+ 154
- 102
lisp/custom/vlocitemacs.el View File

@ -11,117 +11,169 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'transient)
(use-package json
:ensure t
:straight (:host github :repo "ryancrum/json.el" :branch "master"))
(defun vlo/generate-sfdx-login-list ()
"This function is used to give a list of choices (Orgs) to the user when deploying/exporting."
;; 1. make temp file to put the output of `sfdx force:org:list --json` in
;; 2. read that into the following
;; let* means the variables can ref each other
(let* ((json-object-type 'hash-table)
(require 'json)
(defvar vlo/org-usernames '()
"Auto-generated list of usernames from SFDX that are both authenticated and connected.")
(defvar vlo/default-environment-template "{
\"environments\": [
\"env\": \"default\",
\"username\": \"\",
\"job\": \"job.yaml\"
}" "Default template for creating the initial .vemacs file.")
(defvar vlo/project-file-name ".vemacs.json"
"The name of the VlocitEmacs configuration file.
This file exists for the purpose of locating the project folder as there is no
good way of knowing you are in the root vlocity project. It also contains the
list of environments to be used for deployments/exports.")
(defun vlo/generate-project-file ()
"Create the project file and append it to .gitignore if file exists."
(let* ((dir (read-directory-name "Choose Project Root: "))
(project-file (concat dir vlo/project-file-name))
(gitignore (concat dir ".gitignore")))
(with-temp-file project-file (insert vlo/default-environment-template))
(when (file-exists-p gitignore)
(append-to-file vlo/project-file-name nil gitignore))))
(defun vlo/get-org-list ()
"Get a list of authenticated orgs via SFDX cli and populate the `vlo/org-usernames' variable."
(let* ((temp-json-file
(make-temp-file "sfdx-org-list" nil ".json"
(shell-command-to-string "sfdx force:org:list --json")))
(json-object-type 'hash-table)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'string)
(json (json-read-file "tempfile-location.json")))
;; this is how we access the first item of the "result" json member
(car (gethash "result" json))
(json (json-read-file temp-json-file))
(result (gethash "result" json))
(orgs (gethash "nonScratchOrgs" result))
;; (message "%s" orgs)
(setq vlo/org-usernames '())
(dolist (org orgs)
(add-to-list 'vlo/org-usernames (gethash "username" org)))
(defvar vlo/orgs '(("" . "job.yaml"))
"List of cons-es that relate a properties file to a job file.")
;; (defun vlo/get-environment-list (&optional key)
;; "Get the list of org environment vars from within vlo/project-file-name JSON file with optional KEY to get a list of keys."
;; (let* ())
;; )
(defvar vlo/project-file-name ".vemacs"
"The name of the VlocitEmacs file.")
(defvar vlo/store-user nil "Store SFDX user for current session.")
(defun vlo/get-user ()
(defun vlo/getuser ()
"Prompt for sfdx username or use stored."
(if vlo/store-user
;; (defun vlo/get-propertyfile-name ()
;; "The name of the file."
;; (car (nth 0 vlo/orgs)))
;; (defun vlo/get-jobfile-name ()
;; "The name of the job.yaml file."
;; (cdr (nth 0 vlo/orgs)))
(defun vlo/get-deployment-key ()
"Return the \"key\" used by vlocity to specify what to deploy/export."
(let ((path-list (delete "" (split-string (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)) "/"))))
(format "%s/%s"
(nth (- (length path-list) 2) path-list)
(nth (- (length path-list) 1) path-list))))
(defun vlo/project-path ()
"Return path to the project file, or nil.
(let ((username (completing-read "SFDX User: " vlo/org-usernames nil t nil nil)))
(if (yes-or-no-p (format "Set \"%s\" as default for this project?" username))
;;insert username into project file
(with-temp-file (concat (vlo/project-path) vlo/project-file-name) (insert username))
(message "Default set to: %s" username)
(message "No default set"))))
(defun vlo/get-deployment-key ()
"Return the \"key\" used by vlocity to specify what to deploy/export."
(let ((path-list (delete "" (split-string (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)) "/"))))
(format "%s/%s"
(nth (- (length path-list) 2) path-list)
(nth (- (length path-list) 1) path-list))))
(defun vlo/project-path ()
"Return path to the project file, or nil.
If project file exists in the current working directory, or a
parent directory recursively, return its path. Otherwise, return
(let ((dir (locate-dominating-file default-directory vlo/project-file-name)))
(unless dir
(error (concat "Error: cannot find " vlo/project-file-name)))
(defun vlo/ensure-init-file ()
"Asserts that you're currently inside a vlocity project."
(defun leo/exec-process (cmd &optional comint)
"Execute a process running CMD and optionally pass COMINT as t to put buffer in `comint-mode'."
(let ((compilation-buffer-name-function
(lambda (mode)
(format "*exec-process*"))))
(message (concat "Running " cmd))
(compile cmd comint)))
(defun vlo/packExport ()
"Run the packExport command."
(if (and (file-exists-p (vlo/get-propertyfile-name))
(file-exists-p (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))
(format "cd %s; vlocity packExport -sfdx.username %s -job %s -key %s"
(error (format "Error: cannot find either %s or %s" (vlo/get-propertyfile-name) (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))))
(defun vlo/packDeploy ()
"Run the packDeploy command."
(if (and (file-exists-p (vlo/get-propertyfile-name))
(file-exists-p (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))
(format "cd %s; vlocity packDeploy -sfdx.username %s -job %s -key %s"
(error (format "Error: cannot find either %s or %s" (vlo/get-propertyfile-name) (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))))
(define-transient-command vlo/transient-action ()
"Vlocity Build Tool CLI Actions"
("e" "export" vlo/packExport)
("d" "deploy" vlo/packDeploy)])
(provide 'vlocitemacs)
(let ((dir (locate-dominating-file default-directory vlo/project-file-name)))
(unless dir
(error (concat "Error: cannot find " vlo/project-file-name)))
(defun vlo/in-project ()
"Asserts that you're currently inside a vlocity project."
(let ((dir (locate-dominating-file default-directory vlo/project-file-name)))
(if dir
(defun leo/exec-process (cmd &optional comint)
"Execute a process running CMD and optionally pass COMINT as t to put buffer in `comint-mode'."
(let ((compilation-buffer-name-function
(lambda (mode)
(format "*exec-process*"))))
(message (concat "Running " cmd))
(compile cmd comint)))
(defun vlo/packExport ()
"Run the packExport command."
(if (and (vlo/in-project)
(file-exists-p (vlo/get-propertyfile-name))
(file-exists-p (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))
(format "cd %s; vlocity packExport -sfdx.username %s -job %s -key %s"
(error (format "Error: cannot find either %s or %s" (vlo/get-propertyfile-name) (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))))
(defun vlo/packDeploy ()
"Run the packDeploy command."
(if (and (vlo/in-project)
(file-exists-p (vlo/get-propertyfile-name))
(file-exists-p (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))
(format "cd %s; vlocity packDeploy -sfdx.username %s -job %s -key %s"
(error (format "Error: cannot find either %s or %s" (vlo/get-propertyfile-name) (vlo/get-jobfile-name)))))
(defun vlo/transient-action ()
"Dynamically choose which transient to show based on if currently in a project."
(if (vlo/in-project)
(define-transient-command vlo/transient-init-action ()
"Vlocity Build Tool CLI Actions"
("i" "Create .vemacs in project root" vlo/generate-project-file)]
(define-transient-command vlo/transient-project-action ()
"Vlocity Build Tool CLI Actions"
("a" "Add new org environment" vlo/transient-action)]
("e" "export" vlo/packExport)
("d" "deploy" vlo/packDeploy)])
(provide 'vlocitemacs)
;;; vlocitemacs.el ends here
