@ -7,85 +7,88 @@ |
My personal init.el focused on quick startup with minimal, but functional config. |
My personal init.el focused on quick startup with minimal, but functional config. |
Currently configured with these packages (list generated automatically): |
Currently configured with these packages (list generated automatically): |
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output raw :exports results |
(setq leo/package-list package-activated-list) |
(while leo/package-list |
(princ (concat " - " (symbol-name (car leo/package-list)) "\n")) |
(setq leo/package-list (cdr leo/package-list))) |
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results table :exports results |
(defun list-packages-and-versions () |
"Returns a list of all installed packages and their versions" |
(mapcar |
(lambda (pkg) |
`(,pkg ,(package-desc-summary |
(cadr (assq pkg package-alist))))) |
package-activated-list)) |
(list-packages-and-versions) |
#+end_src |
#+end_src |
- ace-jump-mode |
- amx |
- angular-mode |
- angular-snippets |
- beacon |
- browse-at-remote |
- cargo |
- company-restclient |
- company |
- counsel |
- dashboard |
- delight |
- diminish |
- dmenu |
- elfeed |
- emojify |
- engine-mode |
- expand-region |
- exwm |
- exwm-edit |
- f |
- fic-mode |
- flycheck |
- gitconfig-mode |
- gitignore-mode |
- howdoyou |
- ht |
- htmlize |
- json-mode |
- json-reformat |
- json-snatcher |
- know-your-http-well |
- linum-relative |
- magit |
- git-commit |
- markdown-mode |
- multiple-cursors |
- nadvice |
- org-bullets |
- org-link-minor-mode |
- org |
- org-plus-contrib |
- ox-twbs |
- page-break-lines |
- projectile |
- pkg-info |
- epl |
- promise |
- rainbow-delimiters |
- rainbow-mode |
- request |
- restclient |
- rust-mode |
- s |
- scss-mode |
- smex |
- sudo-edit |
- swiper |
- ivy |
- transient |
- dash |
- use-package |
- bind-key |
- web-mode |
- which-key |
- with-editor |
- async |
- xelb |
- yasnippet |
- zerodark-theme |
- all-the-icons |
- memoize |
| ace-jump-mode | a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs | |
| amx | Alternative M-x with extra features. | |
| angular-mode | Major mode for Angular.js | |
| angular-snippets | Yasnippets for AngularJS | |
| beacon | Highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls | |
| browse-at-remote | Open github/gitlab/bitbucket/stash/gist/phab/sourcehut page from Emacs | |
| cargo | Emacs Minor Mode for Cargo, Rust's Package Manager. | |
| company-restclient | company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode | |
| company | Modular text completion framework | |
| counsel | Various completion functions using Ivy | |
| dashboard | A startup screen extracted from Spacemacs | |
| delight | A dimmer switch for your lighter text | |
| diminish | Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display | |
| dmenu | simulate the dmenu command line program | |
| elfeed | an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader | |
| emojify | Display emojis in Emacs | |
| engine-mode | Define and query search engines from within Emacs. | |
| expand-region | Increase selected region by semantic units. | |
| exwm | Emacs X Window Manager | |
| exwm-edit | Edit mode for EXWM | |
| f | Modern API for working with files and directories | |
| fic-mode | Show FIXME/TODO/BUG(...) in special face only in comments and strings | |
| flycheck | On-the-fly syntax checking | |
| gitconfig-mode | Major mode for editing .gitconfig files | |
| gitignore-mode | Major mode for editing .gitignore files | |
| howdoyou | A stackoverflow and its sisters' sites reader | |
| ht | The missing hash table library for Emacs | |
| htmlize | Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML. | |
| json-mode | Major mode for editing JSON files. | |
| json-reformat | Reformatting tool for JSON | |
| json-snatcher | Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file | |
| know-your-http-well | Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes | |
| linum-relative | display relative line number in emacs. | |
| magit | A Git porcelain inside Emacs. | |
| git-commit | Edit Git commit messages | |
| markdown-mode | Major mode for Markdown-formatted text | |
| multiple-cursors | Multiple cursors for Emacs. | |
| nadvice | Forward compatibility for Emacs-24.4's nadvice | |
| org-bullets | Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters | |
| org-link-minor-mode | Enable org-mode links in non-org modes | |
| org | Outline-based notes management and organizer | |
| org-plus-contrib | Outline-based notes management and organizer | |
| ox-twbs | Bootstrap compatible HTML Back-End for Org | |
| page-break-lines | Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines | |
| projectile | Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily | |
| pkg-info | Information about packages | |
| epl | Emacs Package Library | |
| promise | Promises/A+ | |
| rainbow-delimiters | Highlight brackets according to their depth | |
| rainbow-mode | Colorize color names in buffers | |
| request | Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs | |
| restclient | An interactive HTTP client for Emacs | |
| rust-mode | A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code | |
| s | The long lost Emacs string manipulation library. | |
| scss-mode | Major mode for editing SCSS files | |
| smex | M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching. | |
| sudo-edit | Open files as another user | |
| swiper | Isearch with an overview. Oh, man! | |
| ivy | Incremental Vertical completYon | |
| transient | Transient commands | |
| dash | A modern list library for Emacs | |
| use-package | A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs | |
| bind-key | A simple way to manage personal keybindings | |
| web-mode | major mode for editing web templates | |
| which-key | Display available keybindings in popup | |
| with-editor | Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR | |
| async | Asynchronous processing in Emacs | |
| xelb | X protocol Emacs Lisp Binding | |
| yasnippet | Yet another snippet extension for Emacs | |
| zerodark-theme | A dark, medium contrast theme for Emacs | |
| all-the-icons | A library for inserting Developer icons | |
| memoize | Memoization functions | |