#+TITLE: Emacs Config #+AUTHOR: Levi Olson #+STARTUP: showall #+OPTIONS: ^:{} toc:nil num:nil tex:t * Emacs Config My personal init.el focused on quick startup with minimal, but functional config. Currently configured with these packages (list generated automatically): #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output raw :exports results (setq leo/package-list package-activated-list) (while leo/package-list (princ (concat " - " (symbol-name (car leo/package-list)) "\n")) (setq leo/package-list (cdr leo/package-list))) #+end_src #+RESULTS: - ace-jump-mode - amx - angular-mode - angular-snippets - beacon - browse-at-remote - cargo - company-restclient - company - counsel - dashboard - delight - diminish - dmenu - elfeed - emojify - engine-mode - expand-region - exwm - exwm-edit - f - fic-mode - flycheck - gitconfig-mode - gitignore-mode - howdoyou - ht - htmlize - json-mode - json-reformat - json-snatcher - know-your-http-well - linum-relative - magit - git-commit - markdown-mode - multiple-cursors - nadvice - org-bullets - org-link-minor-mode - org - org-plus-contrib - ox-twbs - page-break-lines - projectile - pkg-info - epl - promise - rainbow-delimiters - rainbow-mode - request - restclient - rust-mode - s - scss-mode - smex - sudo-edit - swiper - ivy - transient - dash - use-package - bind-key - web-mode - which-key - with-editor - async - xelb - yasnippet - zerodark-theme - all-the-icons - memoize