;;; 07_5-custom-created-packages --- Provide all the custom code I've created ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (use-package convert-to-table :commands leo/convert-to-table :load-path "custom/convert-to-table") ;; Allows links to open a Dired buffer (useful in Org links for example) ;; [[my link][dired:~/myexample]] (use-package ol-dired :demand t :load-path "custom/ol-dired") ;; Open a mail message in MacOS Mail app (use-package ol-message :if (eq system-type 'darwin) :demand t :load-path "custom/ol-message") ;; Login to SF orgs via an Org link ;; [[Login to an org][sflogin:lolson@eaglecrk.com.myorgusername]] (use-package ol-sflogin :demand t :load-path "custom/ol-sflogin") (use-package sfdx :load-path "custom/sfdx" :bind ("M-" . sfdx/next-component-file) ("C-x C-l s" . sfdx/transient-action)) (use-package vlocitemacs :load-path "custom/vlocitemacs" :bind ("C-x C-l v" . vlo/transient-action)) (use-package json :straight ( :type git :host github :repo "ryancrum/json.el" :branch "master") :commands (json-read json-read-from-string json-encode)) (use-package gcode :straight ( :type git :host github :repo "jasapp/gcode-emacs" :branch "master") :commands gcode-mode) (provide '07_5-custom-created-packages) ;;; 07_5-custom-created-packages.el ends here