My attempt to optimize my emacs load time <1 second
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Emacs Config


My personal init.el focused on quick startup with (somewhat) minimal, but functional config.

Currently configured with these packages (list generated automatically):

ace-jump-mode a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs
ag A front-end for ag ('the silver searcher'), the C ack replacement.
amx Alternative M-x with extra features.
angular-mode Major mode for Angular.js
angular-snippets Yasnippets for AngularJS
beacon Highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls
browse-at-remote Open github/gitlab/bitbucket/stash/gist/phab/sourcehut page from Emacs
cargo Emacs Minor Mode for Cargo, Rust's Package Manager.
company-restclient company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode
company Modular text completion framework
counsel Various completion functions using Ivy
dashboard A startup screen extracted from Spacemacs
deft quickly browse, filter, and edit plain text notes
delight A dimmer switch for your lighter text
diminish Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display
dmenu simulate the dmenu command line program
elfeed an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader
emojify Display emojis in Emacs
engine-mode Define and query search engines from within Emacs.
excorporate Exchange Web Services (EWS) integration
expand-region Increase selected region by semantic units.
exwm-edit Edit mode for EXWM
f Modern API for working with files and directories
fic-mode Show FIXME/TODO/BUG(…) in special face only in comments and strings
flycheck On-the-fly syntax checking
fsm state machine library
gitconfig-mode Major mode for editing .gitconfig files
gitignore-mode Major mode for editing .gitignore files
howdoyou A stackoverflow and its sisters' sites reader
ht The missing hash table library for Emacs
htmlize Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML.
json-mode Major mode for editing JSON files.
json-reformat Reformatting tool for JSON
json-snatcher Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file
know-your-http-well Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes
magit A Git porcelain inside Emacs.
git-commit Edit Git commit messages
markdown-mode Major mode for Markdown-formatted text
multiple-cursors Multiple cursors for Emacs.
nadvice Forward compatibility for Emacs-24.4's nadvice
ob-async Asynchronous org-babel src block execution
dash A modern list library for Emacs
ob-restclient org-babel functions for restclient-mode
org-bullets Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters
org-plus-contrib Outline-based notes management and organizer
ox-reveal reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine
org Outline-based notes management and organizer
ox-twbs Bootstrap compatible HTML Back-End for Org
page-break-lines Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines
projectile Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily
pkg-info Information about packages
epl Emacs Package Library
promise Promises/A+
rainbow-delimiters Highlight brackets according to their depth
rainbow-mode Colorize color names in buffers
request Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs
restclient An interactive HTTP client for Emacs
rg A search tool based on ripgrep.
ripgrep Front-end for ripgrep, a command line search tool
rust-mode A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code
s The long lost Emacs string manipulation library.
scss-mode Major mode for editing SCSS files
soap-client Access SOAP web services
sudo-edit Open files as another user
swiper Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!
ivy Incremental Vertical completYon
transient Transient commands
url-http-ntlm NTLM authentication for the url library
use-package A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs
bind-key A simple way to manage personal keybindings
web-mode major mode for editing web templates
wgrep Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files
which-key Display available keybindings in popup
with-editor Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR
async Asynchronous processing in Emacs
yaml-mode Major mode for editing YAML files
yasnippet Yet another snippet extension for Emacs
zerodark-theme A dark, medium contrast theme for Emacs
all-the-icons A library for inserting Developer icons
memoize Memoization functions