@ -76,29 +76,29 @@ function! s:convert_selection_vert() |
let selection = s:get_visual_selection() |
let old_selection = split(selection, ",") |
let lines = len(old_selection) * 1.0 |
echom "Lines: " . string(lines) |
echom "Cols: " . g:makecols_cols |
let rows = (lines / g:makecols_cols) * 1.0 |
echom "Rows: " . string(ceil(rows)) |
" let calc_rows = float2nr(ceil(rows)) |
" echom "Rounded: " . calc_rows |
let @z = "" |
let r = 1 |
" For Loopage Goes here |
for i in old_selection |
if (c == 0) |
" If first selected line |
let new_string = join([new_string, i], "") |
else |
if (c % g:makecols_cols) |
" If regular column |
let new_string = join([new_string, i], "\t") |
if (c == 0) |
" If first selected line |
" let new_string = join([new_string, i], "") |
let new_string = i |
else |
" If end of row |
let new_string = join([new_string, i], "\n") |
if (r == rows) |
" If end of row |
let new_string = join([new_string, i], "\n") |
let r = 0 |
else |
" If regular column |
let new_string = join([new_string, i], "\t") |
endif |
let r += 1 |
endif |
let c += 1 |
endif |
let c += 1 |
endfor |
return join([new_string, ""], "\n") |