import tmpl from './myActionComponent.html'; import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc'; import { OmniscriptBaseMixin } from 'vlocity_cmt/omniscriptBaseMixin'; export default class MyActionComponent extends OmniscriptBaseMixin(LightningElement) { @track url; @track query = JSON.stringify({ datasource: { type: "query", value: { query: "SELECT Id, name FROM Contact LIMIT 1" } }, url: "/${data[0].Id}", target: "_blank", parameters: {}, navigate: false }); connectedCallback() { console.log('MyActionComponent - Connected'); } render() { return tmpl; } fetchData(evt) { let action =; let def = JSON.parse(this.query); action.definition = this.query; action.triggerAction(); } // I'm passing these properties down to the navigate-action via // attributes. onSuccessCallback(evt) { let result = evt.detail.result; this._targetType = "Record"; this._targetId = result[0].Id; // Because we're setting the attribute values via attributes, // we need to give the ui a chance to re-render. Promise.resolve().then(() => { this.url = result[0].attributes.url; }); } onErrorCallback(error) { console.log(error); } }