My attempt to optimize my emacs load time <1 second
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Emacs Config

Emacs Config

My personal init.el focused on quick startup with minimal, but functional config.

Currently configured with these packages (list generated automatically):

  (setq leo/package-list package-activated-list)

  (while leo/package-list
    (princ (concat " - " (symbol-name (car leo/package-list)) "\n"))
    (setq leo/package-list (cdr leo/package-list)))
  • ace-jump-mode

  • amx

  • angular-mode

  • angular-snippets

  • beacon

  • browse-at-remote

  • cargo

  • company-restclient

  • company

  • counsel

  • dashboard

  • delight

  • diminish

  • dmenu

  • elfeed

  • emojify

  • engine-mode

  • expand-region

  • exwm

  • exwm-edit

  • f

  • fic-mode

  • flycheck

  • gitconfig-mode

  • gitignore-mode

  • howdoyou

  • ht

  • htmlize

  • json-mode

  • json-reformat

  • json-snatcher

  • know-your-http-well

  • linum-relative

  • magit

  • git-commit

  • markdown-mode

  • multiple-cursors

  • nadvice

  • org-bullets

  • org-link-minor-mode

  • org

  • org-plus-contrib

  • ox-twbs

  • page-break-lines

  • projectile

  • pkg-info

  • epl

  • promise

  • rainbow-delimiters

  • rainbow-mode

  • request

  • restclient

  • rust-mode

  • s

  • scss-mode

  • smex

  • sudo-edit

  • swiper

  • ivy

  • transient

  • dash

  • use-package

  • bind-key

  • web-mode

  • which-key

  • with-editor

  • async

  • xelb

  • yasnippet

  • zerodark-theme

  • all-the-icons

  • memoize